Friday, November 26, 2010

Pac-10 video with my Uncle Clark Holden

Great fun to watch this PAC-10 commercial and watch my Uncle Clark Holden running down the field during his fullback days at USC ('57-'59). He was a great athlete at 'SC, playing both offense and defense and punting.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Health Care Reform - Moving beyond hyperbole to some facts

Last week, Robert Pear, of the New York Times, in an article titled "Health Care Overhaul Depends on States’ Insurance Exchanges"offered important information on one of the core components of health care reform - the state run insurance exchange. It was refreshing to move away from the "sky is falling"-like rhetoric and actually read substantive details about the reform.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cranking it up again

After a time of inactivity, it is time to be a bit more active on this blog. Rather than saving articles and posts to sites like delicious, it is better practice to blog and share (force me to :-)) thinking on topics of education, sports, and society.

Bloom's digital taxonomy

Thanks to Larry Ferlazzo and others on twitter for passing on this cool 2009 discussion of Bloom's taxonomy in the digital age by Joshua Coupal.

Larry's tweet:

Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo)
10/14/10 6:22 AM
RT @TheConsultantsE: Bloom's Taxonomy on Prezi via @mike08 @1TEACHER4edu

Joshua's presentation: